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Masterclass for Youth Micro-Entrepreneurs | Outjo

We concluded our Youth Micro-Entrepreneur Masterclass in Outjo this week! We're honoured to have hosted a talented pool of entrepreneurs from the Kunene Region With a population estimate of 90,000 people in the great Kunene region, our Youth Opportunity Masterclass underwent a rigorous process to select 20 young micro-entrepreneurs for an interactive 2-day entrepreneurial workshop. The workshop primarily focused on building capacity, transforming businesses and improving socio-economic outcomes relevant to micro-entrepreneurs in the region.

Day 1 Day 1 included interactive synchronous learning sessions on topical aspects of entrepreneurship. Sessions were conducted by Nelago Johannes, CEO of Business Box Namibia.

“If I did not lack anything in life would I still be in business?” - Discussions encouraged entrepreneurs to play towards their passions and personal strengths, trust their background and intellectual ability and consider their access to resources in pursuing entrepreneurship. The session on progressive thinking encouraged participants to be forward-thinking, adapt their mindsets for an ever-changing world and develop socially conscious businesses that exist beyond capital gains.

Furthermore, participants were encouraged to internalize their motives for being in business and to provide entrepreneurial solutions for problems faced by their community. Nicholas Kabaso, CEO of ABC Asset Management in Zambia, provided a refreshing perspective on the concept of capital. The entrepreneurs walked away knowing that capital is more than money. Capital can be a skill, an idea or a location.

Day 2 Joining us via Zoom, Dr. Ndubuisi, Director General of International Law, Diplomacy and Economic Research, noted that before launching a product on the market, entrepreneurs must develop empathy for their target market, comprehend and define the problem, generate new ideas and potential solutions, and finally test the product or service. He stressed the need for Afri-centric businesses to stimulate continental economic growth.

Psychological counsellor, Billy Mokjara, explored the significance of mental health and positive human traits for individuals to realise their full potential. He advocated assistance-seeking behaviour and provided pragmatic mindful activities. He advised business owners to conduct regular self-evaluations and develop healthy coping mechanisms to help them endure the hardships that often come with being a business owner.

During her presentation on ethical practices, Ms. Edla Kaumbi from the African Leadership Institute, highlighted that business owners must possess high levels of integrity and honesty and urged them to foster employee honesty and earn the trust of investors and customers. Ms. Theopolina Kamati, from the Development Bank of Namibia, trained entrepreneurs on coaching and mentoring. She pointed out the significance of mentoring in accelerating business growth and described mentoring as an opportunity to draw from a wealth of knowledge and experience.

We acknowledge key stakeholders Pupkewitz Foundation, Development Bank of Namibia, African Leadership Institute, Coca-Cola Namibia, Business Box Namibia and the Governor of the Kunene Region for a successful activation in Kunene.Together we built capacity, transformed businesses and improved socio-economic outcomes for micro-entrepreneurs in the Kunene region.

Throughout the 2-day training, entrepreneurs were assessed and ranked as there were great prizes to be won at the end of the training! Entrepreneurs presented their businesses and were evaluated on legal compliance, sales growth, marketing, risk & financial management.

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